Dan Steinmiller

Front-end web developer

I collaborate with like-minded professionals to solve creative challenges and build web experiences that give users joy. 😊


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • PHP
  • SCSS
  • SVG Implementation
  • CSS Animation
  • QA
  • Accessibility Improvements
  • Smoke Testing
  • Troubleshooting


  • VS Code
  • Webpack
  • Git & GitHub
  • WordPress
  • Docker
  • Local WP
  • Figma
  • WHM & cPanel
  • Google Search Console
  • Browser DevTools


  • Build Planning & Research
  • Responsive Development
  • Technical SEO Optimization
  • JavaScript / jQuery Library Utilization
  • Web Performance
  • DNS Updates
  • Website Deployment

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Enjoy seeing numbers go up?

So do I! I've been fascinated with games and game development for many years and evenwent to school to study the subject. You can read about my skills and experience to learn more about what I do.

I enjoy mingling this hobby and knowledge into web development. Games have never beenmore accessible to be played directly on the web than they are today!

Check back in the future for more website gamification and game related fun!

P.s. let me know what your favorite theme is 😉.

P.p.s. Sorry there's no prize for clicking each square...

The importance of joy

To me a sense of joy, in a website context, is the foundation of user experience, customer satisfaction, and even workingtogether with your colleagues. It is a pillar of development that will guide decisions from concept to release day.

How is it achieved? A lot of it can be summarized as empathy, planning for the future, and asking yourself a lot of questions.Let's look at a few:

In my experience following this idea causes less friction and a much more successful end result. It also allows buildingupon the website and continuing a relationship with clients a lot easier.

CSS preprocessors

These days, for personal projects, I prefer to keep it simple and use plain CSS as much as possible instead of defaulting to a preprocessor. Modern CSS is very powerful and feature rich with great browser support.In fact, this website doesn't use a preprocessor at all!

I use SCSS daily on professional projects, but I try to put the decision under more scrutiny.If the project will benefit from it, great!

I think occasional audits like these are always great to help clear the tool cobwebs and keep processes up to date.